KAKA NFT WORLD is a competitive gaming ecosystem platform focusing on the metaverse blockchain gaming sector.
It is committed to combining the application of NFT+DEFI in the ecosystem, constructing a cross-chain bridge based on the concept of global decentralization, integrating various IPs of global brands, and creating Decentralized Autonomous Management (DAO).
It aims to create a prediction agreement perpendicular to the e-sports prediction market, and an open, transparent, decentralized, and complete project for the ecosystem.
The main sectors are divided into the two following categories: providing services such as R&D, sales, trading, circulation, e-sports, and trendy games for game and art NFTs; focusing on the prediction market in the field of e-sports (Prediction Market).
KAKA NFT World $50,000 USD Worth of $KAKA AirdropOngoingNov 16, 2021 – Nov 27, 2021 , Ends in 4 daysTotal Airdrop Amount333,334 KAKANumber of Winners166,667Participants2,826,203
Table of Contents
How to Participate in KAKA NFT World Airdrop?
All $KAKA holders can trade their $KAKA through PancakeSwap in about one week after IDO. They can also join the event of Santa KA-laus is Coming to Town to win another 100,000 $KAKA Tokens through KAKA Official which is for the celebration of Christmas.
- Add KAKA NFT World to your CoinMarketCap watchlist: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/kaka-nft-world/
- Follow KAKA‘s Twitter account: https://twitter.com/kakanftworld
- Retweet the $KAKA Tokens Airdrop event and tag 3 of your best friends that love the KAKA. Here is the tweet to the retweeted: https://twitter.com/kakanftworld/status/1459406607746433029?s=20
- Join KAKA telegram group: https://t.me/kakanftworld
- Fill in the airdrop form and leave your BSC address.
- The form will be available on https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/kaka-nft-world/ once the event starts.