Table of Contents Review: Is Earningcash Legit, Paying, Real, Genuine or Scam? Find out in this Review. is a social media network that pays you for completing surveys, downloading apps, and referring your friends, family, and co-workers. Or at least that’s what they claim.
In this review, I Will be discussing all you need to know about this earning Platform known as and will be covering sub-topics like “is legit or scam”, “how does works” and many more about will be discussed in this review.
What is
EarningCash is, according to them, is a social media network that pays you for completing surveys, downloading apps, and referring your friends, family, and co-workers. Or at least that’s what they claim.
They also claim that most big-name influencers on social media most likely work for them.
Those are their words, not mine…
I’ll tell you now, I did a lot of research looking into the activity of every big-name influencers I could think of, and not a single one has any connection or affiliation to EarningCash. Maybe I just don’t know of the right big-name influencers… but I suspect this claim is false. is also not a “social media network” as they claim. They don’t provide a platform for social engagement in which you can network with your friends, family, and others. That’s not what they are.
At best, they can be described as an online survey or rewards site. But even that’s being generous because the more I looked into EarningCash, the more I was convinced they’re a scam. And I’ve seen this scam before.
You shouldn’t take my word for it though. Let me show you what I found and you can decide for yourself.
Is EarningCash a Scam?
If there’s one thing I’ve learned having reviewed hundreds of these types of programs over the years, is that making money online is hard.
Not everyone is looking for a shortcut to riches (although most probably are). But there are many just looking for a break. A way to cover their rent, keep the lights on, and of course, buy food.
But even that can be hard.
Now, making money online certainly has its advantages, but that does not mean it’s any “easier” than making it offline. The same principles apply… you must provide one thing of fair value in exchange for another.
Money is not free.
So when sites like EarningCash come along saying they’ll pay you more per minute than most people make in an hour, it’s a scam.
I know… I shouldn’t jump to conclusions, and I won’t. They deserve the benefit of the doubt like everyone does, so it’s on me to find evidence that they’re a scam.
Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your perspective), finding evidence here wasn’t that hard.
How Does Work?
You already know how EarningCash is supposed to work. You sign up for free, complete offers and get paid via PayPal, Cashapp, Venmo, Bitcoin or Check.
On the surface, it sounds straightforward.
When you pull back the covers and look underneath though, you find something entirely different.
Let’s start with YouTube, TikTok and other platform submissions…
EarningCash dashboard (Submission Status)
As you can see, they pay a significant amount for what amounts to a simple task.
- Earn $40 for posting on YouTube (1-minute video)
- Earn $40 for posting on Facebook
- Earn $40 for posting on Instagram
- Earn $50 for posting on TikTok
You could easily do all of those in under an hour and make $170.
Then you can complete some surveys for $50 each, download some apps for $45, refer your friends and $30 and make $2 every time someone clicks on your referral link.
That’s two bucks a click, not per sign-up.
When Do I Get Paid on
You’ll receive your payment instantly once you request your earnings and have set your payment method. If we have any difficulties with your payment we will email you with the email you’ve provided to us.